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Latex tutorial on how to add formatting to text - boldface, italicized, superscript, and subscript

This tutorial explains how to add basic text formatting to a Latex document. It is a short succinct video explaining to the point with examples. The code and the video both are available here.

After watching this video you will be able to do the following tasks in Latex:
  1. How to make text Bold 
  2. How to make text Italicized
  3. How to use subscript in text
  4. How to use superscript in text
  5. A little of math mode using "$" symbol

Here is the video for this tutorial

The code used in this tutorial can be found below:
\title{A sample \LaTeX{} article by 5 minutes of Latex}
\huge This \normalsize is a \textbf{\textit{sample} introduction} section.\\
This is a \textit{second line} in the introduction.\\
This is a {\it third} line. $X_i$=$Y_{i^2}$
This is an example of how to use a new section


  1. How do I apply (different) fonts? And how do you determin the size of your title and section headings? Say I want a title of 20pt big, my section headings about 14pt big and any normal text 10pt big?

    Thank you!


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